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New strategy


Ageas announced its next 3-year strategic plan Elevate27, for the period 2025-2027. Elevate27 is about taking our strong performance to the next level. It is a plan for sustained profitable growth and accelerated progress in key areas of strength.

The plan is focused on creating profitable growth, extending our leadership in technical insurance and operational excellence, further enhancing our customer interaction and future-proofing our distribution model

Elevate27 is based on Ageas’s unique profile, indigenous strengths and the experience garnered over the years.

Elevate27 will follow two dynamics: continuing what we already excel at and accelerating our efforts in areas where we see new potential to generate additional value for all our stakeholders.

Central to this strategy will be our increased emphasis on our People and Tech, Data & AI capabilities, which will enable us to deliver on our ambitions. Our actions are guided and influenced by a commitment to sustainability, our long-term perspective, and by our partnership DNA

Leaf through our brochure or read the press release to know all about Elevate27 and our commitments to our stakeholders in the coming years.